Sunday, 30 March 2014

Modular Building

Our main focal room, is the ballroom. Due to its size and architecture, we decided it would be best to build it in modular pieces.

This was all built by one member of the group, to secure they had a uniform look with textures that matched and worked well with one another.

This was the only part of the level that was built modularly.

At this stage we have the level at a well populated stage. We will continue with this progress leaving us time for the in engine touches.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Level in Engine

We have begun to flesh out the level with structural architecture, wallpapers and floors. These are some screen shots of the level in engine so far.

As well as this we are all working on asset creation, ready for import once the level is fleshed out properly. 

We plan to continue to create assets for the level, ready for import.

Thursday, 13 March 2014


We wrote up an asset list for each room and allocated each member of the group assets to model and texture. Also, a couple members of the team were given the task of working with the game engine (CryTek) Importing the white box and working from that. 

We had to concept structural pieces in order to get the architecture right as it had to be gothic.

Main assets specific to that room were being made first.

We plan to continue this and begin to flesh out the structure of the level, ready for asset import.

Layout and Floor Plan

We now had to plan the layout of the level. We worked out how we could get 7 rooms into our level to match the story. We ended up with a simple flow plan and player flow throughout the level, this was to help us understand how we would lead the player through each room to get to the end of the level.

We decided that in order for the player to be lead in the right direction, we would have sound and trigger events to lead them through the desired flow.

We went on do draw up floor plans for each room.

This allowed us to make a quick white box level in 3dsmax.

From this we began to think of particular assets we would need for the level.

Next we want to have a finalised asset list so we can begin to prioritise and model the level and its content. 

Brief, Research and Concept...

‘You are required to build a small dynamic, interactive map; a vertical slice of a world in a Gothic style, referencing one of the three subjects -  Fonthill Abbey
                                                       -     Whitby
                                                       -     Masque of The Red Death’

We began by researching the story of the Masque of the Red Death and within it, began to plan out our level. To follow the story we decided to create a level that takes place within the house the night after the party that is described in the story. We wanted to capture the sense of the lives lost the night before. Emptiness but with hints of people final moments before the tragedy happened.
From here we started to gather images for the moodboard. The story provided us with a colour pallet as the rooms in the story have specific colours that correlate to the stages of life. From the moodboard began to visualise our ideas, and began to concept.

From this we were able to capture mood and feel.

Next we plan to draw up floor plans and begin to think up assets that would work for our level.